Cultivating & Protecting Your IP with Laura DiFrancesco

Mar 19, 2021 1 min read
Cultivating & Protecting Your IP with Laura DiFrancesco

I speak with Laura DiFrancesco, a corporate attorney and CEO/Founder of Dean Street Law + Flourish West Chester, about protecting intellectual property as a founder and creator. Recorded on Clubhouse.

Laura DiFrancesco is the CEO/Founder of Dean Street Law and Flourish West Chester , an accomplished attorney that specializes in negotiating high-profile startup/corporate deals, a writer, a talented content creator that inspires and supports female entrepreneurs, and a wonderful friend.

I'm so glad that we were able to have this conversation that took place in a room that we created in the Women Founders Unite club on Clubhouse! Laura and I speak on topics including creative systems, protecting your intellectual property as a founder and a creator, steps to follow when launching a product and/or business, resources for legal reference, and answer questions about trademarks, social media content, and course content.

Featured Resource: THE VAULT - On Demand Legal Support Library for Your Business

Follow Us on Instagram:
Laura - @lauramdifrancesco  Jordan - @jordandivecha

[Make sure to check out Jordan's IGTV to watch some of our collaborations from our previous series Coffee Break Live!]


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